On 5 March 2010, China’s former Culture Minister Wang Meng and his wife visited the National Library. Senior Librarian Vicky Gao shares about his visit and his literary works available at the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library.
2010年3月5日上午,当代中国文学界、文化界、思想界最令 人瞩目的人物之一,曾任中华人民共和国文化部部长的王蒙先生及夫人在新加坡中国学会会长刘爱莲女士的陪同下 来到我馆参观,受到了国家图书馆馆长严立初女士、李光 前参考图书馆馆长张碧玲女士等领导的热情接待。
王蒙先生一生大起大落,人生经历有如一部文学作品,充 满着跌宕起伏。少年得志,才华横溢的他,19岁创作《青春万岁》,22岁发表短篇小说《组织部来的年轻人》,轰动一时,旋即被打成“右派”,在风华正茂的 29岁那年被抛到了人生的低谷,一家人去了新疆。在人生最灰暗的时刻,淳朴热情的维 吾尔族人给了他们一家生活的力量和勇气。16年的新疆生活使王蒙对于新疆这块土地一往情深,在不少场合,王蒙都 说新疆是他的第二故乡,是他永远怀念的地方。此次来访,王蒙亲笔签名向新加坡国家图书馆赠送他们夫妇俩的近作《王蒙和他笔下的新疆》,让更多的新加坡人领略新疆的美 丽,是他们夫妇俩共同的心愿。
对王蒙的作品感兴趣的读者,可到李光前参考图书馆中文馆藏区参阅王蒙作品选,包括报告文学、自传、小说、散文、诗歌、文艺评论、理论文集等。国家图书馆也提供中文参考咨询服务,解答读者的询问。读者可以将要咨询 的问题以电邮的方式发送到图书馆远程参考咨询服务站 .
China’s Former Culture Minister Wang Meng’s visit to the National Library
Wang Meng, former Minister for Culture (1986–1989) of the People’s Republic of China, and his wife visited the National Library Singapore on 5 March 2010. During their visit, Wang was warmly welcomed by Ngian Lek Choh, Director, National Library Singapore; Judy Ng, Deputy Director, Lee Kong Chian Reference Library; and Tan Keat Fong, Deputy Director, Professional & International Relations.
Wang Meng is also one of China’s foremost contemporary writers, a professor and researcher. His literary works such as his biography, novels, documentary literature, poems and literary criticism are available at the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library.

Senior Librarian
Lee Kong Chian Reference Library
National Library