Lim Kong Thing was a successful businessman and a renowned community leader in Kuala Pilah, Negri Sembilan, He was a strong supporter of the Tongmenghui (led by Dr Sun Yat Sen) and served as advisor to the Committee of Overseas Chinese Affairs. When Lim died in 1940, he left behind some 800 pages of documents comprising eulogies, elegies, correspondence, photographs, notices and other ephemeral materials. His youngest son, Lin Qiong, donated the items to the National Library in 2007.
林光挺先生,二战前的马来亚瓜 庇 社会领袖,历任瓜 庇 中华商会、树胶公 会、华侨筹赈兵灾难民会会长等要职,赞助同盟会,捐助教育事业, 长袖善舞,交游广 阔。 1939 年庆祝六秩荣寿并结婚四十周年纪念; 1940年不幸逝世, 享年61。 生荣死哀, 留下6册约800页的祝寿颂文、逝世挽词及相关的照片、函件和报导。 林光挺先生的幼子林琼先生于2007 年捐赠这批文献给国家图书馆。
这批文献主要是以下未曾出版的手稿 :
第一册 :寿刊 - 题词集 (一)
第二册 :寿刊 - 题词集 (二)
第三册 :寿刊 - 颂文集、事略集、通信集
颂文集 (三)
事略集 (四)
通信集 (五)
第四册 :荣哀录
第五册 :来函集
第六册 :哀思纪念册
战前的文献能留至今日已是不易, 更何况 是当时属于极度敏感的文献。《林光挺文献 集》收集了中国及东南亚许多近代名人字迹, 包括同盟会、筹赈中国难民各分会、侨务委 员会、国民党等组织和机构的要员及文人的 手稿。 倘若在长达三年零八个月的日治时期 里被日军查获, 文献保存者及文献册内署名的 许多东南亚华侨领袖都很可能会遭遇不测。 据林琼先生说,日治时期这批文献曾经埋在土 里,藏在天花板上,战后才从瓜 庇 带来 新加坡。 虽然经历曲折, 大部分的文件还是保 存得相当完好。
这批文献具有非常珍贵的历史与艺术价 值。文献包括许多名人手稿,例如周恩来, 蒋宋美龄、孙科、林森、白崇禧、王宠惠、 蒋梦麟、陈绍宽、陈树人、于右任、郁达 夫、林连登等人的真迹及印章。许多函文是 写在中国及东南亚各政府和私人机构的信笺 上,揭示出海外华侨的网络及其层层关系。 色彩嫔纷的筹赈礼券折射出当时华侨对中国 的天灾人祸的忧虑和关怀。
《林光挺文献集》是研究战前东南亚, 尤其是新马华人历史的一组重要的原始资 料。为了方便研究者的参考,国家图书馆特 为每册《林光挺文献集》附上个别的目录, 并且另外复制两套文献集存放在李光前参考 图书馆。国家图书馆已将文献集数码化以方 便国内外人士上网参考阅览。
Mr Lim Kong Thing was a successful businessman and a renowned community leader of Kuala Pilah in Negri Sembilan, who was very well connected to other countries in Southeast Asia and China. He was a strong supporter of Tongmenghui (led by Dr Sun Yat Sen) and served as advisor to the Committee of Overseas Chinese Affairs. After his passing in 1940 at the age of 61, he left behind some 800 pages of documents, comprising eulogies, elegies, correspondence, photographs, notices and other ephemeral materials. The collection was donated to the National Library in 2007 by his youngest son, Mr Lin Qiong, a retired teacher and writer who is now 78 years old. The collection offers an insight to the Chinese diaspora of pre-WW2 Malaya and Southeast Asia, and the socio-economic network and connection as well as the political alignment and allegiance of the Chinese overseas in Southeast Asia in the first half of the 20th century. Besides its historical and research value, the collection has its cultural significance and calligraphic merits as many of the manuscripts were written by wellknown personalities such as Zhou Enlai, Chiang-Soong Mei-ling, Sun Ke (son of Dr Sun Yat Sen), Chen Shuren, Yu Youren and Yu Dafu. It is amazing that the collection was not destroyed before or during the Japanese occupation of Malaya and Singapore in the 1940s as many of the documents were very sensitive and would have cost the lives of those whose names were listed in the 6 volumes of documents. The National Library has recently digitised the collection so that users can have access to its content via the Internet.

Heritage Collection Development
National Library